Monday, September 28, 2009

Ways to Get Free Traffic

1. Get indexed by Google How to get indexed by Google Fast There are many people offering to get you listed on search engines quickly for a price. Why pay when you can do it yourself. The article above tells you how to get indexed.

2. Submit to Directories. They are like sub-domains of search engines, and there are thousands out there, you need to pick out the free ones and submit your website url to each one Search Engine Submission Software is again the software I recommend to fill in all the directory forms for you, it saves you so much time, especially if your serious about blogging or website content. Alternatively you can manualy submit your url to the directories.

3. Ping your site What are pings Pinging is telling the search engines and directories you have updated your blog/site. Don’t do this more than twice a week, and only do it when you update your blog/sites content, over pinging can lower the blogs ranking

4.Atract visitors with similar interests Search out blogs that have similar interest to yours and leave comments, this will give readers a free link to your blog also check out tips for social networking

5. Update content regularly Make a blog post or website content as often as possible, stick to writing what you know about. Search engines reward sites for good content that is relevant to the site. For help writing a good blog

6. Get high search engine ranking. It is well known that websites that organically appear above the first page fold on search engine results are most likely to be clicked. I recommend this free seo tool . It tells you what you need to do with your website to improve its search engine ranking, it gives you step by step instructions to tweak your site. It also gives you top secret information on your main competitors, use the information to get a better search engine ranking than them

7. Use paid ads such as adwords. This can get costly so be sure to know what you are doing before you take this path.

8. Persevere! Never get complacent, anyone can come along and knock you off your spot, keep this website as favourites and make sure you follow its steps. In my next posts I will give more tips to help you stay visible. You will need to tweak your site regularly if you want to keep those visitors

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